How to solve Serve Resources from a consistent url
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How to solve Serve Resources from a Consistent URL
There are 4 most regular circumstances, bringing about copied resources: when a website has both a http and https rendition or www and exposed area variant; when and share resources; when module 1 and module 2 utilize similar resources; and when resources are facilitated on a CDN however are as yet open on the first URL.

Why Does it Happen?
The most effective method to Serve Resources from a Consistent URL
Resources, accessible at various URLs back off your page stacking times and influence SEO adversely.
Websites utilize resources, for example, pictures, CSS and JS records to convey the coveted client encounter, including designs and impacts. Each of these resources gets "called" by the program, at whatever point a client gets to a website page. This is known as a HTTP ask.
Much of the time, every asset has a solitary URL and requires just a single HTTP ask. Once in a while, be that as it may, an asset can be served from different hostnames or areas, bringing about various URLs to a solitary asset.
This happens frequently when resources are shared between at least two pages of a similar website or between various connected websites.
Some of the time the issue is caused by modules, utilizing a similar outer libraries or different resources. It could likewise be an aftereffect of misconfigurations in your CDN settings.
In such cases, an asset can, contingent upon its arrangement, get copied. Since a similar asset is accessible at two unique URLs, each time the page is gotten to by a client, an extra HTTP ask for is utilized to call it. In the event that the asset is accessible at different spaces, an extra DNS query is additionally activated.
The extra HTTP ask for backs off your pages since what truly happens is that the asset gets downloaded twice per session.
Manual Intervention

Frequently, the issue with inconsistent URLs is caused by resources, for example, pictures, shared by different pages or connected destinations.
For instance, if your website shares a picture with the webpage division, which it connects to, you can wind up with the accompanying ways to a similar record:
The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 1 request(s) and 22.7KiB.
This causes irregularity and results in extra HTTP asks.
To resolve the issue, serve the record from a solitary hostname. This implies, rather than facilitating a similar document on the hostname or area of each webpage as in the case above, you have it on, for instance, and connection to it from
This arrangement works likewise for various spaces, as long as they are connected. Despite the fact that this will require a DNS-query, the advantages of reserving would limit its negative effect. It's additionally worth to take note of that a DNS-query will in any case be required because of the way that the two destinations are connected.
In some cases, utilizing a CDN to accelerate your site can likewise bring about a couple of copied resources. This can be because of your setup. Normally, you "move" every one of your media documents to the CDN. In any case, it can happen that your subject "pulls" a few documents, for example, the site's logo specifically from the media library. Along these lines, you wind up with a similar document, served from the CDN (the media library variant) and from your area (the record maneuvered into the subject's settings).
If so, you need to physically change the record way in your subject's documents to point to the document on the CDN. Despite the fact that this can contrast from topic to topic, as a rule you can discover the logo settings in the record, named header.php.
Discover the line, characterizing the way to the logo document and alter it to coordinate your CDN asset URL. NB! Changes to topic documents require the utilization of a tyke subject!