About us and these terms

  1. Hi, we’re Ballaide and welcome to Ballaide Gallery, a site that showcases various design inspirations and digital items created by designers and creatives from around the world. When we say "we", "us" or "Ballaide", it's because that's who we are and we own and run the Ballaide Gallery platform.
  2. When you visit Ballaide Gallery and accept these terms, you become a member of our community. During your time with us, you agree to follow the ground rules outlined in these terms, so please read and understand them. If you do not accept the terms then we will be saddened, but you must leave because your presence on and use of the Ballaide Gallery platform depends on your acceptance to be bound by these terms whether you are willing to be our dear visitor or not.
  3. The Items on Ballaide Gallery are owned by the respective rightsholder. They are licensed to you under the terms of the Ballaide Gallery License (as amended from time to time) at the direction of authors. 

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